The UK's #1 rated ethical flower company
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Flowers that fit through the letterbox

Our letterbox flowers are designed to easily fit through your letterbox. Stems are chosen for longevity, hardiness and beauty. Arrange and create your own bouquet!
8 results

How Does It Work

Watch our short video to see what you can expect to receive with your Letterbox Flowers.
There may be nothing more exciting than a surprise delivery of gorgeous flowers. Beautiful, affordable, and designed to fit perfectly through the letterbox for guaranteed delivery (and joy!), letterbox flowers are a thoughtful gesture that isn’t forgotten.

Our florists hand-pick each stem and carefully pack them in our letterbox-friendly boxes when you can easily track their journey to their destination. We also include a handy arrangement guide meaning your lucky recipient can create their very own bouquet, proudly place it in their favourite place in their home and be regularly reminded of your thoughtful gift.


What happens if the courier can’t fit it through the letterbox?
Our courier will very carefully attempt to post the box through, if they are worried about damaging the box and subsequently your beautiful blooms, they will place the box in a designated safe place. You can assign your safe place in your inflight tracking that you will receive from our courier on the day of delivery.
Will my letterbox flowers come with water?
No, our letterbox collection includes specially selected woody-stemmed flowers that travel well, when they arrive all you need to do is remove the bottom 2cm of the stem and place them in water when they arrive.
Can I add chocolates or anything extra to the box?
No, the boxes are designed just to fit in your wonderful stems, any additions could squash or damage them in transit.
What are letterbox flowers?
Our letterbox-friendly flowers are ethically sourced stems that conveniently fit through the letterbox for guaranteed delivery.
How long do letterbox flowers last?
We dispatch our flowers fresh and in bud so that they can be enjoyed for as long as possible. This means that the flowers will arrive closed, but once they’re in the warmth of the home they will begin to open and bloom. We guarantee our flowers for 5 days and include a handy care guide to ensure you get the most beauty out of each delivery.
Are letterbox flowers delivered in water?
Our flowers are sent dry-packed therefore we only include stems in our letterboxes that are happy to travel without water. Before we bid them farewell, we treat each stem in our hydration facility to ensure they are in tip top condition on arrival.
Will they get damaged during transit?
Our durable letterboxes are made from reinforced 100% recycled cardboard and have been specifically designed to withstand impact, protecting the flowers from any knocks and bumps on their travels.
What if there’s a problem?
We take great pride in our letterbox deliveries. We understand the generosity and thoughtfulness that goes into selecting a letterbox gift and how much joy our flowers give to everyone who receives them. This is why we’ve spent over ten years perfecting our service, packaging and providing the best quality and ethically sourced flowers possible. If however there’s an issue with your delivery, our Customer Experience Team is on hand to help.