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Amber Caress

Amber Caress


Autumn love affair 

Step into the heart of autumn with 'Amber Caress,' a bouquet that captures the essence of the season's romance. This arrangement features the soft, creamy hues of Confidential roses, complemented by the warmth of apricot lisianthus, creating a palette that echoes the richness of autumn. The vibrant orange of spray roses adds a burst of energy, while the deep burgundy foliage lends depth and contrast. Wisps of miscanthus gracefully frame the edges, adding a touch of whimsy. 'Amber Caress' is an ideal romantic gesture, embodying the enchanting embrace of autumnal charm.

In the box

Our florists arrange our sensational bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers and foliage:

Confidential roses, cotinus foliage, spray roses, apricot lisianthus, miscanthus.

Something extra

  • Classic
  • No Vase
  • Hurricane Vase
  • Brass Cylinder Vase