The History of Mother’s Day
Mothering Sunday in the UK

Mother’s Day in the UK has its origins in the 16th-century custom of ‘Mothering Sunday’, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent. That’s three Sundays before Easter, and the tie-in with the church calendar is why the date changes each year. The tradition was that you paid your ‘mother church’ a visit – either the church where you were christened, your parish church, or the nearest cathedral – and you were said to be ‘going a-mothering’ when you did so.
On this day, which came to be known as Mothering Sunday, servants were given the day off to go back to the parish in which they were born, with children and other family members also joining in. Because this occasion was a rare opportunity for a family get-together, the focus of the day gradually shifted to visiting not just the mother church, but one’s own mother.
On the way to the church, people gathered wildflowers to leave in the church and to present to their mothers. And, although the day fell during Lent, the austerity was relaxed for Mothering Sunday and people treated their mothers to edible gifts such as Simnel cake, ‘mothering buns’ or fig pie.
Mother's Day in the US

It was first celebrated in 1908 thanks to the efforts of a woman named Anna Jarvis, whose mother, Ann, had nursed soldiers in the American Civil War and founded ‘Mother’s Day Work Clubs’ to help tackle public health. Eager to continue her mother’s work, Anna was successful in getting a day dedicated to honouring mothers nationwide. She believed that a mother is “the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world”.
Mother’s Day became a national holiday in 1914 thanks to President Woodrow Wilson, and to this day it’s celebrated on the second Sunday in May.
US troops brought the idea of ‘Mother’s Day’ over to the UK during the Second World War, and its influence gradually morphed with the UK’s traditional ‘Mothering Sunday’. But we’ve retained the church-related date, while the US still marks the occasion on the day Anna Jarvis set aside.
Treat Mum to flowers this Mother's Day

Interestingly, by the 1920s, Mother’s Day in America had come to be associated with a particular flower, the carnation. The carnation is still a big deal on Mother’s Day in many countries, with pink being the most popular colour, as it symbolises the undying love of a mother.
Mother’s Day in the UK falls on 30th March this year, so it’s also a time when we’re all going to be full of the joys of Spring. With that in mind, a bouquet of cheerful tulips is a wonderful way to put a smile on your mum’s face, while flowers in vibrant hues of yellow (symbolising happiness) and blue (bringing calm and serenity) are packed with Spring joy, as well as meaningful sentiment.
In case you were wondering where to put the apostrophe in ‘Mother’s Day’ when you’re writing your card, Anna Jarvis was keen to stipulate its position, saying that it should be “singular possessive, for each family to honour its own mother, not a plural possessive commemorating all mothers in the world”.
If you're looking for a gift to commemorate the motherly figure in your life, browse our full range of Mother's Day flowers and find the perfect hand-tied bouquet or letterbox flowers to show them just how much they mean to you.